Juno Beach Dental News: Regular Cleanings And Heart Health

Categories: Dental Health
Juno Beach Dental News Regular Cleanings And Heart Health

Visiting Weinberg Dentistry in Juno Beach for regular dental check-ups and cleanings every six months can seem inconvenient and unnecessary at times, but you may benefit in vital ways you never imagined. A recent study showed that people who had their teeth professionally cleaned at least once every two years were 24 percent less likely […]

Soda Spells Double Trouble For West Palm Beach

Categories: Dental Health
Juno Beach dental financing

Soft drinks, soda, pop. No matter what you call it, it seems that these days it’s the dietary villain of choice. Today in Weinberg Dentistry Dental Blog, we are going to give you yet another reason to avoid this ubiquitous drink. For dental health, soda deals a double punch of damage with two of its […]

Smart Brushing Trumps Aggressive Brushing

Categories: Dental Health
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Most Juno Beach residents brush their teeth (at least we hope so). However, there are many who brush improperly but don’t realize that their dental hygiene practices may be contributing to oral problems. They may pride themselves on their diligence, but frequency does not make up for incorrect methods. One of the most common errors […]

Juno Beach: 7 Surprising Causes Of Bad Breath

Categories: Dental Health
bad breath treatment Palm Beach Gardens

Juno Beach men and women who have chronic bad breath understand the embarrassment and frustration associated with this condition. There are several possible causes, some of which are often overlooked by our Juno Beach patients. Poor oral hygiene Digestive problems Systemic infection Bacteria on dentures Gum disease Food particles on tonsils Dry mouth At Weinberg Dentistry, […]

Why Do Juno Beach Dentists Like Potatoes?

Categories: Dental Health
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The reason dentists like potatoes is because they are so “filling,” ba-dum ching. Lame joke, I know. But seriously, the wiser our patients in Palm Beach and Jupiter are about what they eat, the easier it will be to care for their dear old teeth. It doesn’t have to be potatoes, but the mouth does […]

What Is Oil Pulling?

Categories: Dental Health
Juno Beach lowest price teeth bleaching

Today’s Weinberg Dentistry dental post looks at oil pulling; an alternative practice that has been generating a lot of buzz around Juno Beach. Oil pulling has been a part of Indian Ayurvedic medicine for thousands of years. It is the practice of swishing oil in the mouth for twenty minutes to benefit the teeth, gums, […]

Ouch! Are Your Teeth Sensitive In Juno Beach?

Categories: Dental Health
Are Your Teeth Sensitive In Juno Beach?

For those of you in the Palm Beach Gardens area who feel pain when you sip your morning coffee or who cringe each time you brush or floss, Weinberg Dentistry is here for you. Doctor Brion Weinberg has been treating this common problem since 1999. The first line of defense against tooth sensitivity is proper […]

Crooked Teeth And Cavities

Categories: Dental Health
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Many dental patients in and around Palm Beach Gardens hold the belief that orthodontists only change the look of your teeth. Consequently, they think that the only reason to find an orthodontist in the Jupiter, West Palm Beach, or Palm Beach area is if you are interested in cosmetic dentistry. The fact is that your […]

“Have Your Dessert, Juno Beach”

Categories: Dental Health
Have Your Dessert Juno Beach

Your Palm Beach Gardens dentist knows that it’s too much to ask that you never indulge in sugary treats, but they will tell you that eating sweets at certain times is better for your teeth than others. For instance, when you eat a full meal, your saliva production increases. This helps to rinse food particles […]

6 Easy Ways To Eat Like A Dentist In Juno Beach

Categories: Dental Health
6 Easy Ways To Eat Like A Dentist In Juno Beach

There is nothing that influences your smile as much as your eating habits in Juno Beach, Florida. Develop good eating habits and your dentist will smile down on you too. Patients in Palm Beach Gardens, Jupiter, and Juno Beach would do well to follow the example of a dentist in what and how they eat. 1. […]