How Do You Measure Dental Success?

Categories: Dental Health
Juno Beach affordable family dentist

How do you measure “dental success?” A check-up with no cavities? A perfect smile? A crown that looks as natural as the surrounding teeth? It could mean all those things and many more. For a child, dental success could be defined as a childhood free of cavities, learning daily dental hygiene practices, and gaining an […]

“Have Your Dessert, Juno Beach”

Categories: Dental Health
Have Your Dessert Juno Beach

Your Palm Beach Gardens dentist knows that it’s too much to ask that you never indulge in sugary treats, but they will tell you that eating sweets at certain times is better for your teeth than others. For instance, when you eat a full meal, your saliva production increases. This helps to rinse food particles […]

6 Easy Ways To Eat Like A Dentist In Juno Beach

Categories: Dental Health
6 Easy Ways To Eat Like A Dentist In Juno Beach

There is nothing that influences your smile as much as your eating habits in Juno Beach, Florida. Develop good eating habits and your dentist will smile down on you too. Patients in Palm Beach Gardens, Jupiter, and Juno Beach would do well to follow the example of a dentist in what and how they eat. 1. […]

Prevention-Oriented Dentistry

Dental Health In Jupiter Can Avoid Tooth Loss

Are you a Palm Beach Gardens area parent of young children? Do you want them to develop better oral hygiene habits than you did when you were young? Perhaps you have a beautiful smile and want to prevent tooth decay. Many Juno Beach residents have a mouth full of fillings and don’t want to add […]